Almond Mocha 460ml
Almond Mocha 460ml
Almond Mocha 460ml Pint
Indulge in the delightful blend of premium, plant-based ingredients. Crafted with creamy cashews and coconut, this luscious treat is infused with robust Proof & Stock Espresso for a coffee lover's dream.
Cashews, Coconut Cream, Coconut Oil, Sugar, Espresso, Invert Sugar, 55% Dark Chocolate, Salt, Carob Bean Gum.
We use ingredients that are free from Gluten, Dairy and Soy
Delivery Notice
At Little Liberty Creamery, we want to ensure your plant-based ice cream arrives in perfect condition! To maintain the quality of our frozen products, we currently only deliver to business addresses. This allows us to guarantee that your ice cream stays frozen during transport.
***We cannot deliver to residential addresses***
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to serving you!